Posts tagged papaya salad
Green Papaya Salad w/Beef Jerky (Gỏi Đu Đủ Khô Bò)
green papaya salad main.jpg

As promised (though somewhat late), here is the recipe for my mom’s green papaya salad w/beef jerky, also known as gỏi đu đủ khô bò. I’m sorry for the lack of posts (and the late posts at that), but if you haven’t seen already on my personal IG, I recently announced that I am expecting! It’s been a really long and exhausting year for me thus far, and the journey to get here has worn me out. My first trimester was a literal nightmare, as I lost my taste for everything good, and had nightly bouts of morning sickness. I couldn’t even think about cooking, which shows in my lack of posting (I originally committed to one recipe a week, and that didn’t last). As I’m in the middle of my second trimester, I’m feeling a lot better, though exhaustion continues to wreak havoc on my body, and cooking isn’t a priority like it has been in the past. I will be posting my favorite recipes, just not as often as I’d like.

I digress. Back to this wonderful recipe that is one of my mom’s signature potluck dishes. I always get excited about posting ‘level 1’ (scale of 1-5 on difficulty) recipes, because I know that some people just don’t have the time or energy to make a difficult recipe. And boy do the Vietnamese know how to make some really laborious ones. This one is just too easy, so of course posting it excites me. All you need is a little prep work and the right tools, and you’ll be putting this on the list to make often in the future. This salad is refreshing, textural, sweet, tangy, and has a little kick.

First, you have to get the right ingredients—this recipe only requires 9 ingredients (and this includes ingredients for the dressing—whew!). In the first photo above, you see a few packets of sweet beef jerky—the brand my mom swears by for this particular salad. What I love about this brand (other than it’s tender and delicious flavor profile), is that it is already pre-cut/shredded, so all you have to do is reach in, grab a few handfuls, and disperse it over the top of your salad to finish. The second ingredient is green papaya. Yes I know that all papayas come with a green outer skin, but these particular papayas (commonly eaten in Southeast Asia) are green on the inside. I am thankful I can find them at my local H-mart, though these two were given to me by my mom, and packed into my suitcase on my last trip to Houston. When picking a green papaya, make sure that its nice and firm, with a bright green outer skin. The third ingredient is fresh mint, which is shredded or cut, and mixed in the salad, as well as added on top for garnish. You can also add Vietnamese coriander (rau răm), and/or Thai basil if you wish for a more herbaceous flavor salad (to make it easy for this recipe, I used only mint as the core herb). The rest of the ingredients you’ll be using for the dipping sauce, which includes thinly sliced garlic, thinly sliced red Thai chili, soy sauce, and vinegar. You’ll need a good peeler, a good mandoline slicer (gotta love my Japanese Benriner mandoline), and ICE. My mom swears by soaking the shredded/julienned green papaya in ice water to make it extra “crunchy” before serving. Just make sure to drain and pat dry (or dry thoroughly using a salad spinner) before placing on your platter to serve. I hope you enjoy this recipe below!


Degree of difficulty: 1 ( on a scale of 1-5 )

Cook & Prep Time: 30-45 minutes ( depending on your quickness in the kitchen! )


 ·       A vegetable peeler

·       A mandoline slicer, with a small sized julienne blade

·       Cut resistant gloves


INGREDIENTS ( as a side, serves 6-8 people )

For the salad :

  •  1 large green papaya – roughly 2 pounds

  • 4 oz of pre-shredded sweet jerky (see photo for brand and reference; 1 pkg = 8oz)

  • ½ cup of mint (washed, leaves removed, torn or cut into pieces)

For the dressing :

  • 1/3 cup regular sodium Kikkoman soy sauce

  • 1/3 cup sugar

  • 1/3 cup vinegar

  • 3/4 Cu water

  • 2 garlic cloves, thinly sliced

  • 1-2 red thai chili(s), thinly sliced (I use 1 chili, if you want more kick, add more)

  • 1 TSP garlic chili sauce (Huy Fong Foods brand)


1.     Combine all the dressing ingredients in a bowl and mix well (I like to add the garlic and Thai chili last, right before serving, so that the ingredients float to the top, and look beautiful for presentation purposes)



  1. Begin by peeling the skin off of your green papaya. Once it is peeled, cut it in half, and using a spoon, gently de-seed the inside of the papaya.

  2. Using a pair of cutting gloves with your mandoline slicer firmly placed over a large bowl, begin shredding your green papaya (your mandoline should have already been prepared by affixing a small julienne blade).

  3. After your papaya has been shredded, add water to your bowl, along with a generous amount of ice, and soak it until it is fully chilled. Then drain, and either pat fully dry, or if you have a nifty salad spinner, spin completely dry.

  4. Toss the shredded papaya with your mint. At this point, if you are using more herbs, add those in as well. TIP: you can be generous with your herbs, but you want the green papaya to be the main star of the show. Place on a large serving platter or in a large serving bowl.

  5. Using your hands, top the salad with your pre-shredded sweet beef jerky. Garnish the top of the salad with desired herbs for presentation purposes.

  6. To serve, set the dressing in a bowl to the side with a ladle. When you’re ready to eat, ladle the dressing generously over the salad. Enjoy!